Saturday, August 25, 2012


Greeted at the airport with kindness - Al, the very helpful United gate agent - personally checked my bags and walked me all the way through security (no waiting here!!) to ensure all 4 bags of school supplies could make it through to the plane.
Only a snapshot of the donated supplies!
 As though waiving my extra bag fee and walking me through security were not enough, he then proceeded to tell me about his many trips to Africa, building schools and serving others. I was surprised at his good-natured kindness and touched by his personal stories; thrilled that already there's is an ever expanding community coming together to help our team and help others around us.

In the quiet of the airplane cabin, I have a moment to pause, contemplate my purpose over the next few weeks. To linger in silent reflection. To be grateful for all that I am, where I am and the experience already unfolding...

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