Sunday, January 6, 2013

Our Final Hours

Our final hours in Kenya add another dimension to our experience. We have a lovely time visiting with the Redfords and wind down our experience at a fantastic outdoor dinner. 

All is going smoothly, perhaps too smoothly. Out of nowhere, a torrential rain storm dumps monsoon quantities of water on us – drenching our dinner experience and causing an electricity outage. Now we are dining by tiki light and listening to the gushing sounds of rain!
(I am making this sound nice; almost quaint in a rustic, romantic way... It is also true to say we were freezing, tired and had 18 hours of travel ahead of us!)
We hastily conclude our dinner and pile into the van for an precarious commute to the airport. 

This was earlier in the week, don't we look rested!?
There are no street lights, the streets are not really fully paved... What happens when you ‘just add water’? 

Well, driving gets interesting! We had an exceptional driver who navigated us safely through the flooded streets, terrible city traffic and pitch black dark-of-night to the airport – just in time for our flight! Well done Wellington!

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