Saturday, November 3, 2012

HIV Outreach & Lost in Madoya

In our first home, I am able to share the HIV information with Mary, Steven and Evelyn. Steven (a high school age boy) asked many questions about HIV and water purification. It was great to see him engaged, seeking to understand and knowing that he will be putting the information to good use!

Kids ~ everywhere along our journey
Our next visit is with Monica and Jacklyn - two single moms struggling to make life work. Fred (Kenyan Pastor) and Tim (American missionary) left Katie, Vanessa and I to have "girl talk" and support these women in any way that we could. Honestly, it was difficult to relate to their path. We spoke of common temptations - peer pressure, smoking, drinking - essentially the lure of these things to fill idle time. They knew there was something more to life, yet had not found it. I hope our conversation encouraged them to seek after it.
Sarah, Monica & Katie

Wrapping with the girls, we stepped out of the small home, through the dripping laundry and back to the street only to discover Fred and Tim are nowhere to be seen. 

This is our first (and only) time to be deep in the slum and without clear direction on how to get back. Suddenly we are aware that we are female, mzungu and without our Kenyan guides. What a combination! 

Sarah & Fred - reunited safely!

Fortunately, we are resourceful young women and were able to make our way back without causing too much of a scene. The experience reminds me of the safety and security we take for granted at home where I would seldom pause before venturing out on my own – anywhere, at any hour.
Along our journey we encounter more beautiful children that somehow brighten
even the darkest corners of the slums.

Carrie with the children at Madoya

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