Saturday, November 3, 2012

Unexpected Visitors

All week we have been talking about the children and how we can help more of them have access to education and the hope it provides for their future. Several on our team have already made decisions to sponsor children (essentially monthly support so they can go to school) and, specifically, to work with children in a new, under-supported community of Korogocho. What a delight to learn that MOHI has already found children on the waiting list for us to support, and brought them to Madoya so we could meet them!!
I cannot explain the anticipation to meet 'my child' Michelle. I was anticipating the gift, and the responsibility, yet had hardly a moment to prepare for the experience I was to encounter.

Then, here she is. So precious, innocent, beautiful. Full of hopes, dreams and potential - as we all are at 6 years old!

A sudden and intense feeling of responsibility, and love, washed over me, I dropped to my knees and extended my hands. Michelle grabbed hold and locked eyes. In that moment, I felt (as close as a non-parent can I suppose) the sense of anything and everything she needs, I am here, I got it, I will do it. It was moving. I wanted to do it all in that moment, fix everything, provide for every need. Yet, I was also keenly aware of my inability to do anything to actually solve her challenges or change her circumstances. Indeed, my best and only gift in that moment was to look into her eyes and convey love for her, specifically, uniquely for her.

Our meeting was brief and filled with silent smiles as our language barrier limited our spoken conversation. Her clinging to both of my hands, staring into my face and big eyes full of hope and curiosity spoke volumes.

 It is overwhelming to think of 300,000 children in the slums. 

 It is moving to hold onto one and know that I can help - at least one - have hope of a different future.

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