Saturday, November 3, 2012


After lunch, our afternoon is filled with more direct outreach and home visits. This is nothing and everything all at once. 

We are simply getting to know the local community, hearing their stories and encouraging them with all that we have to give.

Our first stop is to see two women to install a skylight in the home, share HIV information and water purification outreach.

Here's a before and after of the effect of the skylight in the home.
Look - we brought light into their house!
It was great to experience the first hand one-to-one nature of the HIV and water purification outreach. This is our Incite work on a micro level! This is connecting with people where they are, engaging with them in a relevant manner, offering information and resources to help them live healthier lives. 
The eagerness with which they receive the information is astounding. They really want to be healthy and simply need more education, outreach and guidance. 

The questions are so genuine. 

It was awesome to be helpful in a significant way and to encourage these women to share the information with others in the village. Thus creating the community change and wide spread "social impact" we all imagine!

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