Saturday, November 3, 2012

Our American Hosts

Our evening meal is hosted in the home of American missionaries, Keith and Kathy, who have made Kenya their home.
It is so wonderful to be in a home, with candles, and soap and great food!! Fresh fruit, salad, guacamole... We thoroughly enjoyed the change from our routine of rice and vegetables!

I was touched by the warmth of hospitality. The desire to give, the evidence of lives thriving and seeking to simply be in relationship and serve others. I can see a real love in the way the Kenyans and these missionary women seek to share life together and serve others. It prompts a desire within me to practice hospitality to a much higher degree upon return to the States!

Our reflective dinner conversation was one of how to "cure poverty and eradicate slavery" that traps so many people around the globe. Interesting to noodle and discuss. In the end, I don't know that we solved it, but we did make some good discoveries.

I know this - it is not a resource problem. 

We have more than enough food, intellect, technology, natural resources and cash. It's a people challenge. How can we love each other, work together more and knit a human quilt of people working in one common direction - to help others - such that we raise the quality of all of our lives together? And, in the process, solve many of our physical suffering and global challenges that are really just symptoms of people not working together?
This may be our greatest challenge, and yet greatest opportunity, to cure poverty, eradicate slavery and alleviate a host of other types of human suffering.

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