Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sunday Advernture

Our journey to Joska (the boarding school for middle - high school students) is as adventurous as any day in Africa - Sunday morning we awake and pile into our van for our day of connecting with students. Our hour-long ride is filled with thought-provoking spiritual conversation. 

We are so immersed in our conversation we hardly notice our first stop at the gas station to put air in the tire. Our worried driver continues down the road – suddenly, we get involved as the entire vehicle begins to smell like burning rubber and yes, generally speaking, smoke should not be coming out of the brakes and the tire should not be smoking...

Let's have a look at that!
 We juggle modes of transportation (not always reliable in Africa!) and eventually, arrive at Joska – a bit tardy for the Sunday services already underway! The children are so full of light, life and love! They sing and dance for us completely alive and lost in the expression. It's beautiful, we are moved by our experience.

Don’t let the ‘boarding school’ nature of Joska fool you – these kids are every bit free spirited, youthful and fun-loving; and Kenyans got rhythm!

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