Friday, September 7, 2012


At our guest house – luxury accommodations compared to the neighborhood where we are serving – we have running water and showers. Let me give you a little more detail. We do have running water, yet at least twice I turned on the faucet to find no running water. It’s there most of the time. It’s not potable water – meaning we are brushing our teeth at the sink, but with bottled water.

Showers are another experiment all together. All the water directly from the faucet is cold; there’s a way to ‘heat’ the water on its way through the shower – that’s where the experiment kicks in! You turn on the external water heater (literally, a light switch outside of the bathroom); turn on the water and try to back it down to just a trickle, so that any water that is coming out is somewhat warm. Then, shower as fast as you can under a trickle of warm water.

Funny, even in this experimental shower, I am so thankful to have some way to be clean – rudimentary though it is!

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