Friday, September 7, 2012

The Streets of Gitathuru

Yes, this is garbage. Animals and children live off of this. If you look closely (I really need zoom on my iPhone!) you can see animals grazing.

We encountered our first brush with "safety" issues in one of the neighborhoods today. Our local partners are very protective and keeping us safe – it’s hard to comprehend some of the living conditions. The close quarters, narrow passageways and abundance of people promotes bad behavior. It quickly builds fear and destroys community. It's a fine line between holding your ground, walking confidently and challenging this powerful undercurrent; and crossing the line and putting you and others in undue danger. I'm for pushing the line on this! I can't stand the injustice of crime and violence on top of complete poverty. It is difficult to unwind, solve. And, equally as difficult to know that it is happening all around you and yet not be able to fix it quickly.

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