Friday, September 7, 2012

The People of Gitathuru

The Children

As we walk toward the Center, dozens of children come from nowhere to greet us. They sing and chant on the approach extending their hands for the smallest handshake or acknowledgement from us. The sing-song melody of dozens of children’s voices, “mzungu, how are you?” overwhelms. We grin, soak it in and pour out every drop of love in our beings onto these beautiful children.

The children. There are so many. My heart breaks for them. And, while I am worried about their clothes, food and shelter - they just want to hold our hands and be close to us. Their voices stir you deeply. I can see and experience why Rachel, my dear sister, was so moved. Her life, story and purpose continue to be retold. It's moving to me on so many levels.

Welcome to class
Caroline hosts entrepreneurs at the schools

In our time with Caroline, we are in a small school with limited means and resources.

And meet with two ladies who are active entrepreneurs through the BDS program.

Micro-entrepreneurs (center and right)

They are vibrant, full of hope and the possibility of what might be in their future.

Alive, vibrant - and there's a baby strapped to her back!


Carrie and I visit with Caroline and realize that we are all more similar than we know. We are all young women working to make our way in the world, looking for ways to use our talents and passions for good, we all love travel and meeting interesting people. So fun to discover our shared interests with our new found friend from the other side of the planet!

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